Newest Clay Cr8tions...such as they are....
Greetings and Salutations!!!!
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I've been dealing with some pretty intense medical issues : (
As the TITLE implies I've been working on a few clay projects and haven't finished ANY of them yet....
That's the frustrationg part of EDS that I ABSOLUTELY HATE!!!!!!! I never know from one day to the next and many days one hour to the next what part of my body is going to "act up" OR decide it wants attention through EXCRUTIATING pain... yes, this is a mini-pity party...over and done with...sorry!!!
Here's some pics of my works in progress...don't expect much : )
MANY of these leaves came from ACTUAL pumpkin leaves from our very own Pumpkin Patch in our back yard : ) I made a mold of the real leaves so that myself and others in the future could use them LLLLOOONNNGGG after they real leaves are gone : )
My wonderful teacher, MIKKI hudgins, @ MANASSAS CLAY (Old Town Manassas), calmly helped me cr8 this interesting pumpkin : ) She has the patience of a SAINT : )
Please take care and God bless!!!
Luv, hugz, & blessings, tia : )
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